Environment - Corporate Citizenship
Education - Corporate Citizenship
Health - Corporate Citizenship
Culture and Sport - Corporate Citizenship
Humanitarian Aid - Corporate Citizenship
Aliaga, Turkey (2016) | Education

IOT-VITO (IVT) Supports Various Schools in the Neighborhood of Aliaga

Support for Schoolchildren

Although developing countries do provide a basic educational infrastructure for underprivileged children, the often poor conditions at such schools can determine the level of education they impart. Throughout their association with the Star Refinery Project in Turkey, the IOT-VITO team gave special attention to various schools in the neighborhood of Aliaga. In 2016, the team visited two schools. One school was given a floor-cleaning machine to encourage cleanliness and teach its value in community living. Another school, whose teams had shown promise in a local tournament, was given sports gear, providing an incentive for the children to attend school and participate in extracurricular activities as well. IOT-VITO won a special recognition from the local industry association for its community outreach activities.

Beneficiary students from the Izmir neighborhood near IOT VITO’s project site Beneficiary students from the Izmir neighborhood near IOT VITO’s project site